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How to plan your journey

Notion (R)evolution

Welcome to a foundational program designed to help you master Notion. This program will guide you through the essential steps to transition effectively to Notion.

Frame a first project to start

Learn how to make a smooth and strategic transition to Notion by focusing on a specific piece of your work. Avoid the pitfalls of treating Notion like your previous tools and experience the transformative power of an integrated workspace.

Identify knowledge management challenges

Understand your specific knowledge management needs and challenges. Evaluate how you currently organize and reuse personal and professional knowledge to improve your approach using Notion.

Set up and plan your workspaces to learn from experience

Gradually load Notion as an experimental workspace to adapt to the rapid changes in your industry. Embrace more flexible and innovative tools to overcome the limitations of traditional workflow based softwares.

Overcome application limitations

Let go of past experiences with other applications and fully engage with Notion’s unique features like smart blocks with infinite drill-downs and bi-directional links, relational databases with advanced functions and third-party integrations. This approach will stimulate your lateral thinking and creativity.

Manage disappointments, gaps, and chaos

Prepare for work and life disappointments and gaps as Notion mirrors them back to you for action. Learn to manage chaos effectively, whether it arises from your own content or from team dynamics, by periodically reinventing your workspace to keep it as close as possible to your work and life.

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Key Milestones

Designed for individuals and teams, this program will dive deep into the features and capabilities of Notion mentioned, providing you with the skills and knowledge to transform your work and flow.

Gain hands-on experience with advanced tools and techniques, ensuring you can effectively manage tasks, organise notes, enhance collaboration, and automate processes.