Focus first on all the internal knowledge, the vision, the team and the achievements to date:
- existing APIs
- models and feedback from prospective developer users
- team profile (Tech especially)
- …
Together with whole Team develop an assumption tree to
- Clarify the investment thesis
- Structure approach to validate key assumptions
- Capture priority Investigation areas
- Level of certainty and impact
- Focus the work for cycle 1
- Select most effective tests to develop insights on the focus assumptions
Engage in discussion with key experts from the organic / internal network (founders, Investor, mine, my partners’) to gather preliminary answers
- Recruit experts and hold interviews
- Monitor progress, update assumptions and capture options to go further
Facilitate a collaborative workshop where we can align quickly on a new assumption list, prioritisation
- Agree on status based on all discussions to date
- Develop ideas to de-risk / validate the technology
- Propose approach with external experts and specific assets that could be produced to gather further insights in a second cycle